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So Tough  - Saint Etienne - 1992
Label: Heavenly (USA)
Format: CD
From: UK
My rating: 8/10

Entered: 06/16/2001
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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This is great. I honestly wasn't ready for it in 1992, but I am now. I particularly like the sweet pop ones like 'Mario's cafe' - it has the bonus of a great reverb laden Slowdive-style bit at the end as well. What's with the out of tune flute solo in the middle though?! I am really surprised at how much I'm enjoying this - on the one hand, you could call it simple wimpy electropop with quotes from British films at the beginning of the songs. But that wouldn't tell the story of how great the songs are. It's making me nostalgic for 1992, yet at the time I actually hated this. Odd.
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Links for Saint Etienne
   A superb site in homage to this great indie/synth band. I don't think the site is official, but it seems to have links/news as if it was. UPDATE: the site is being reconstructed, but the old version is still accessible.

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