index page for Delicado Album Details
Paul Horn and the Concert Ensemble  - Paul Horn - 1970
Label: Ovation OV/14-05 (USA)
Format: LP
From: USA
My rating: 4/10

Entered: 05/05/2002
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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I bought this as an addition to my collection of ridiculous baroque-pop LPs (currently standing at around 15-20). Actually, I don't quite seem to be able to decide if the collection is of cheesy versions of classical songs or baroque/classical pop hybrid versions of pop songs - I have a similar quantity of each type. Whatever, I have definite plans to compile the most jaw-dropping of the former type, and possibly the latter as well.

In spite of a deliciously cheesy cover, with the session musicians all dressed up in old-fashioned outfits, accompanied by a mixture of contemporary and historical instruments, this record isn't all that exciting. The standout tracks are 'Light my fire' and a Horn original, 'Paramahansa'. The others sounded rather inconsequential on first listen. Still, nice to have for my collection, I guess.

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