index page for Delicado Album Details
Film Music, Volume 2  - Francesco De Masi (Compilation) - 1961-1984
Label: Vivi Musica VCDS 7023 (Italy)
Format: CD
From: Italy
My rating: 4/10

Entered: 08/02/2001
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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Hmm. I bought this on the strength of the Easy Tempo compiled 'diamond bossa nova', and at 5 bucks it seemed a good deal. Alas, it's essentially an unstylishly put together mix of reasonably generic sounding film music. The disc includes selections from six different films. Although none of the others are bad exactly, only the last film, 'il racconto della giungla' is really to my taste - it has some cool organ and percussion and quite a nice groove to it...

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