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Geo Daly Plays  - Geo Daly - 1964
Label: Concert Hall BPC 728 (UK)
Format: EP
From: UK
My rating: 7/10

Entered: 07/20/2002
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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An interesting curiosity, this 7" mini-LP was a record club issue from the 'Concert Hall Record Club.' Geo Daly plays the vibraharp, which is really rather pleasant. Alongside contemporary hits like 'Can't buy me love' and 'I only want to be with you', there are some pretty cool originals, such as 'Papa Palavas', 'Vibra surf' and 'Malibu Surf'. The feel is an odd mix of jazz and more rocky sounds. 'Papa Palavas' is a slow, atmospheric piece, with twangy guitar, yet also traditional jazz woodwinds alongside the vibes. 'Vibra surf' and 'Malibu surf' are both essentially the same upbeat 12-bar blues jam, with rather exquisite instrumentation: a sleazy organ, vibes, and drums.

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