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More Music From Peter Gunn  - Henry Mancini - 1958-1962
Label: RCA 74321298572 (UK)
Format: CD
From: USA
My rating: 8/10

Entered: 10/02/2002
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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I'm very fond of this album, and this European CD has the extra bonus of some other tasty Mancini tracks - one each from Peter Gunn, Experiment in Terror, Mr Lucky and Mr Lucky Goes Latin. The Experiment in Terror theme is particuarly brilliant, with a slow, reverberating guitar, zither (?), and strings. It's moody as hell, and I think the band Gallon Drunk must have given this a spin or two in their time.

The album itself is excellent, although perhaps with not quite as many memorable tracks as the first volume. 'Walkin' bass' is classic Mancini, with a nervy, finger-clicking mood, with the saxophone taking a dominant role, while vibes and piano make fleeting appearances. 'Goofin' at the coffee house' is excellent in a similar way. 'Spook' continues the late 50s vibe with a slow, bluesey number that wouldn't sound out of place in a David Lynch movie. I'm also very fond of 'Joanna', a delicate romantic theme, and the sliding sax on 'Blues for mother's'.

The impact that both The Music from Peter Gunn and More Music from Peter Gunn have had on me is immense, and their influence can be heard in a lot of film and jazz music that has been recorded since. I recommend picking both up if you don't have them already.

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