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Tindersticks (first album)  - Tindersticks - 1993
Label: Bar None A-HAON 046 (USA)
Format: CD
From: UK
My rating: 7/10

Entered: 06/20/2001
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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This is one of the growing group of albums I've owned, sold and then bought again. In the case of Tindersticks, I originally came to the group via an interest in swampy, Gallon Drunk-style 50s oriented indie music. As it turned out, the group weren't really like that at all. I quite liked this album, but was quick to sell it when I was short of money about five years ago. I've since picked up all the other Tindersticks albums (except the latest one, which I will have to pick up soon). So I was happy to see the first album again used. Listening to it now, I still find the same tracks interesting as I did in 1993, but they have aged well, and have a classic feel...Tracks like 'marbles', 'milky teeth', 'jism', 'raindrops', 'her' (although I still prefer the Peel session version), and 'paco de renaldo's dream' are really quite superb - the production is mysterious and alluring, and the songs have a great otherworldly feel. None of the other songs are bad either, so I guess this is a pretty impressive LP, all in all...
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