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Vive Legrand: Nelson Riddle Salutes Michel Legrand  - Nelson Riddle - 1973
Label: Daybreak DR-2015 (USA)
Format: LP
From: USA
My rating: 8/10

Entered: 11/07/2004
Last updated: 11/07/2004

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Hey, lots of us have felt the need to salute Michel Legrand at one time or another. I know I have. This apparently little-known album is absolutely brilliant - probably up there with his other 70s albums on MPS for me, and recorded about the same time. The first track, 'I was born in love with you' is fantastic - superb rhythms and delicate piano - just totally vibrant and colorful. These qualities sometimes take longer to be teased out in other tracks, but they pretty much always make it in the end.

As I mentioned in a previous post, It's wonderful to hear how Riddle updated his style from the big band arrangements of the 1950s to the easy listening/rock hybrid he presents here. There's very prominent bass and percussion, as well as superb piano and strings. It sits very well with contemporary work by Les Baxter, as well as British arrangers like John Schroeder and John Gregory.
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