index page for Delicado Album Details
Tuff Guitar  - Al Caiola - 1965
Label: United Artists UAL 3389 (USA)
Format: LP
From: USA
My rating: 6/10

Entered: 08/05/2001
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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This has some cool tracks on it, but I like it less than his later albums. This is partly because the song selections are more 50s/rock'n'roll influenced - e.g. 'rock around the clock', 'a hard day's night', 'hound dog'. Still, there are some great tracks, like 'tequila', 'night train' and Neil Hefti's 'Midnight Swim' (from 'sex and the single girl').
Al Caiola recommendations at Musical Taste
   For a Few Dollars More
   Underwater Chase
   Midnight Swim

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