index page for Delicado Album Details
Sensations  - Franck Pourcel - 1972
Label: EMI Studio 2 Stereo TWO 397 (UK)
Format: LP
From: France
My rating: 4/10

Entered: 03/10/2002
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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Yes, this is the LP with the incredibly suggestive cover with a blond girl in a stripey sweater sucking on an ice pop. I bought the LP because I mistakenly believed it was the source of a funky cover of 'day by day' that I had heard. I was wrong. It's a nice enough LP, but nothing amazing. There's also a Rice-Lloyd Webber medley, which wins no points with me. I see there's a Tchaikovsky interpretation though - maybe this is something that can go on my long-planned 'aberrations' compilation of tasteless yet somehow cool classical cover versions.

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