index page for Delicado Album Details
Music of Desire  - Warren Barker - 1960
Label: Warner Brothers (USA)
Format: LP
From: USA
My rating: 5/10

Entered: 09/07/2002
Last updated: 01/19/2004

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I was excited to hear this album; Barker's previous A musical touch of faraway places is an astounding exotica album with some incredible percussion sounds.

Music of Desire has a cool-sounding name and an incredible cover. Musically it's quite considerably less enjoyable to me than faraway places due to the presence of some slightly over-peppy strings on almost every track. I love strings more than most people, but I'd rather they were syrupy and smooth than super-sparkly like these ones. If you can get past these strings, it's a very nice album, with much of the same exotic atmosphere as faraway places, mixed with a nice 50s pop orchestral feel that I like a lot. They just need to calm the violin players down a bit. 'Time was', 'Maria Elena', 'Monique', and 'By the Light of your eyes' are all enjoyable. And with its tasty bongo introduction and nice exotic mood, 'The moon was yellow' gives a hint as to how enjoyable this album might have been with less intrusive arrangements. As it is, the album is slightly disappointing.

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