index page for Delicado Album Details
Louder than Bombs  - Smiths - 1984-1987
Label: wea 4509-93833-2 (UK)
Format: CD
From: UK
My rating: 8/10

Entered: 07/12/2001
Last updated: 05/03/2003

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I actually never owned this album originally, never needing to, since I owned all the songs it compiles on either 'hatful of hollow', 'the world won't listen' or the 'sheila take a bow' 12". Still, it's interesting to hear them in this context. We are also offered alternate, slightly unfamiliar single versions of some songs, such as 'stretch out and wait' and the fully instrumented version of 'back to the old house'. Some songs have dated better than others. It's all still great. 'rubber ring', 'william....', 'sheila...', 'girl afraid' many songs really stand out, but there's nothing bad on here at all. I still resent them for stealing my childhood though...
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