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Brazilian Beat  - Meirelles e sua Orquestra - 1970
Label: London 4FB-44069 (Bolivia)
Format: LP
From: Brazil
My rating: 6/10

Entered: 03/21/2004
Last updated: 03/21/2004

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This is a 70s reissue from Bolivia, one of the few records I was able to find in La Paz when I was there nearly 6 years ago. Time flies. Some Meirelles records are very sought after. I don't think this is one of them, but it's very nice all the same. Extremely percussive. The best track to my ears is the tasty piano-led version of 'Mas que nada'. It's similar to the Sergio Mendes version, except with some more prominent harmonies added in the chorus by the brass.

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