index page for Delicado Album Details
Another Voyage  - Ramsey Lewis - 1969
Label: Cadet
Format: LP
From: USA
My rating: 7/10

Entered: 01/17/2001
Last updated: 00/00/0000

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Bought because it is the original album which the fine track Do what you wanna appeared on. I hope the rest is as good. Based on recent experience, it should be good (based on it being a)ramsey lewis, b) on cadet and c) from 1969).
It does indeed sound very cool, although on first listen the best tracks seemed to be 'Uhuru' and 'Do what you wanna', both featured on the 'Inside' 2LP compilation which I already own.

Ramsey Lewis recommendations at Musical Taste
   Do What you Wanna
   Eternal Journey
   Function at the Junction

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