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A walk in the Evergreens  - Horst Jankowski - 1968
Label: Mercury SR-61232 (USA)
Format: LP
From: Germany
My rating: 6/10

Entered: 03/08/2004
Last updated: 03/08/2004

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This is quite a tasty LP by Horst. His arrangements are always entertaining, and sometimes very hip. The standout tracks are an insanely peppy 'Soulful Strut' and a nice take on 'Wack Wack'. However, the dark horse is 'Misirlou', which begins with an overblown strings/piano/brass section, but which is repeatedly transformed with a groovy an insistent backbeat that suddenly drops in. I wouldn't say it's my favorite version (I think that accolade still belongs to Frances Faye) but it's very cool indeed. I see the arrangements are by Peter Knight, who if I'm not mistaken is the British arranger responsible for the backings on Elis Regina in London.
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