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Sounds Super  - Johnny Harris Dance Band - 1977
Label: Rubber Records JHDB1 (UK)
Format: LP
From: England
My rating: 4/10

Entered: 11/07/2004
Last updated: 11/07/2004

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Before you ask, no, it turns out that this isn't the Johnny Harris who created the amazing Movements album, and who did fantastic arrangements for people like Petula Clark and Shirley Bassey. Instead, this is a bloke from Northamptonshire in England. If that wasn't obvious from the cover, it becomes clear soon after you put the record on. While the musicians are all quite good, there's something about the intonation and general production values that make this sound more like a school band record than a professional production.

The most entertaining track is the band's take on Van McCoy's 'The Hustle', which sounds pretty interesting when arranged in the big band style. I don't envy the sax player, who must have got pretty tired after playing this one. The rest of the album is pretty run-of-the-mill. I wish there had been more interesting hybrid disco tracks, but overall the album is better than expected.

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