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Brazilian Collection  - Jorge Ben - 1966-1973
Label: Mercury 314 536 913-2 (Brazil)
Format: CD
From: Brazil
My rating: 9/10

Entered: 11/09/2001
Last updated: 04/26/2004

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I was happy to find this, because in spite of my best efforts, I haven't been able to find much good Jorge Ben stuff on CD. I don't think it's the best compilation of his work available, but it's very good, and far better than the first track (which is a live recording of 'Charles, Anjo 45') implies. There's quite a few really nice tracks on here that I'd never heard before - e.g. 'Os Alquimistas Estão Chegando os Alquimistas', 'Bebete Vãobora' and 'Zagueiro'. There are also some outstanding classics which I previously never had other than on mp3 files - 'Oba La vem ela' and 'Caramba!...Galileu da galileia'. 'Take it Easy my brother Charles', which I recently discovered the Astrud Gilberto version of, is quite superb. All in all, I'm delighted with how good this is - of the twelve tracks, there are really no poor ones at all, and most are quite superb. Jorge's voice is definitely an acquired taste, but the superbly percussive background and the raw passion and emotion are very seductive.
Jorge Ben recommendations at Musical Taste
   Si Manda
   Hermes tri
   Errare Humanum Est
   Oba, la vem ela
   Jazz Potatoes
   Sem Essa #5

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