index of reviews of records in my collection United Artists label

   8 items on the United Artists label have been reviewed (See unreviewed items as well).
   order by - title - performer - year - date entered
Brand New Kind of Love - Bobby Goldsboro - 1973 - 11/07/2004
A Man for All Seasons - John Gregory - 1974 - 09/05/2004
Once Upon a Time in the West - Leroy Holmes - 1968 - 03/21/2004
Bacharach Baroque - The 18th Century Corporation - 1968 - 05/12/2002
King Guitar - Al Caiola - 1968 - 08/05/2001
Tuff Guitar - Al Caiola - 1965 - 08/05/2001
Cleopatra and all that Jazz - Al Caiola - 1964 - 08/05/2001
The Power of Brass - Al Caiola - 1968 - 08/05/2001

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